Thursday, May 25, 2006

Why Reservation was created in first place

I think the reservation was created to force open some of the opportunities. In several institutes as well as government jobs, most jobs were used by "so called" Higher Caste. And Looking at their ratio in the jobs, they were probably in selection committees as well. These selectors had some sort of bias, and were not so keep on selecting someone who is not from their caste. (If you don't believe me, it is like that today as well. Check out your own organization's operation-backoffice teams, check your finance, HR, and logistics team in India). Do you see concentration of only certain communities there? It is not to say that only one of the community is having all the jobs, but as a percentage, certain communities have found favour in certain jobs (sometimes due to someone already in place there).

A disclaimer: I am not a pro-reservationist, just trying to reason why reservation was created in first place, so don't slam me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well i guess this was a move in 70's or 80's to provide some opertunities to the backward classes so that some one from their families get educated and then inturn helps the family making it a cycle. It was an easy way out for the government instead of providing them with good education schools and facilites etc. Well it is said that if you give a poor man a dime, he will wait for the next too. So this reservation was like a dime for the ppl and the government cannot take it back now.