Sunday, November 21, 2004

USA, Here I come

Well, During this week, I finally moved my base to United States of America. So called country of Opportunities. Will keep posting my updates from here.

First Day in Atlanta

Used a porter as could not handle the baggage because of fatigue. 10 bucks tip.
Took a trip from Airport to Hotel in a Shuttle. 50 bucks. 5 bucks tip.
checked into hotel. Sierra Suites. not too bad. Just too secluded. but It was okay, as it is very near the office. Had some food, met raju and gang, and went to sleep.

Monday, November 01, 2004

More to Iron Ore Exports

Was just wondering who all will be benefited by Export of Iron Ore to other Countries.

Let's see. If the Iron Ore is exported at High Rate, obviously the exporters like NMDC, Tata Steel etc.

But, If Iron Ore is exported at Low Rate, then it means, that someone apart from exporter is making money. It could be the client, or the agency who is the middleman for the deal. I wonder why would an exporter want to export at Low rate and incur less profit? None of the professional company will do that. Only one to do so would be the PSUs.

Who gave right to PSUs to sell resources belonging to country to be sold to foreigners at such low rate? It is probably most unpatriotic thing to do.